Wednesday, March 26, 2008

a small shift

(by Marya) Last week I taught a class in which we did Sun Salutations and Tadasana in between each one. I spoke of Tadasana and alignment at the beginning of class and also of being Present. With each Tadasana we took a minute to check in with posture and to be aware of where our thoughts were. During that minute I also went around class looking at alignment. There were several people who were aligned fairly well but their hips were ever so slightly shifted forward. Not thrusting hips or anything, just a slight shift of alignment and weight.
I had several people comment after class. One was a woman whose hips were slightly shifted. She commented that the re-alignment of her hips had changed several subsequent poses. In fact, she said her balance had totally changed in Tree pose after!
A good reminder to me that our habitual posture is so important and that Tadasana truly is the foundation of poses.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Take it to the Lake

(by Laura) Last Monday I stood in this spot for 20 minutes in Tadasana (Mountain Pose). It felt glorious! I have never spent so much time in Tadasana in such a spectacular location. I breathed and felt incredibly grounded. This pose continues to teach me...