Monday, May 19, 2008

I 'Heart' Triangle

I thought it fitting to say I 'heart' Triangle, in place of I love Triangle, as it is such a wonderful open hearted pose. I do love Triangle pose (Trikonasana) - it is one of my favorites. But why? Good question. Part of my exploration this month is to find out just why I enjoy it so much.
Is it the feeling of strength and stability and grounding in the legs?
Or because my knees are hyper-flexible and I've been able to strengthen them by learning alignment and having more awareness?
Is it because my hips are fairly open and flexible already?
Is it because for many years my upper body felt so caved in and triangle really lets me open up in the heart?
Maybe its because for a long time I felt an inner strength and through my physical work in yoga have created a body more able to express that strength. When I do Trikonasana I just feel like "here I am!" and it feels good.
How do you feel in Triangle?

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