Saturday, May 31, 2008

Find Trikonasana

(by Karen) When teaching, I always remind my students to "find" their pose. Anyone can do a pose, but is it your pose?

Trikonasana is one that I don't usually find quickly so it is usually added to each practice more than once and spread around. The first one is to remind my body of the technical side, but it never feels like mine. The second time is usually easier to get into and my body is "remembering" it but still not mine. Usually, the third time is it - body and pose as one. At this point, I could stay there for an hour (at least it feels that way, never tried it :-)

1 comment:

@MuseLaura said...

What a great reminder! I think it is particularly true for those of us who teach. We demonstrate in ways that exaggerate what we are teaching, not necessarily what our body needs. Then, I can easily take that feeling to my own practice. Thank you!