Sunday, December 28, 2008

Prasarita Padottanasana: Variations

Okay, I didn't get to much blogging on this pose this month. So, to make up for my lack of contribution, I thought I'd give you lots of photos! I did teach the pose in each class and practice it in my own practice. I was again reminded of the importance of being grounded strongly in my feet and legs in all variations. Here are my favorite variations of this pose:

Traditional hands between the feet. I did not put my head between my hands here.

Extended Prasarita Padottanasana: Be sure to keep your weight over your feet. If you feel your hands "slipping" forward, you have too much weight in your hands.

Clasp hands behind the back: It is even more essential to be strong in the legs when your hands don't touch the ground.

Clasping the toes: Again, strong in the legs:

Reverse Anjali Mudra: I only do this one in my own practice, not one I teach, because most people aren't open enough in the shoulder to do this one without injuring the wrist:

And then, last, but far from least: Snuggling-with-daughterasana:

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