Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So much fun, and then...

I love Prasarita Padottanasana and I was having a lot of fun playing around with it.  I took Laura's suggestion to heart and I've been doing PP in each class I teach and each time I do my own practice, at least until this week...

This week I've come down with a cold and am quite stuffy and congested.  I'll take this opportunity to reminder you all to first and foremost listen to your body while practicing yoga. If you are not feeling well, rest, relax and restore.  Your yoga practice can consist of just one pose, like Child's Pose or even Savasana (final relaxation).  For me right now, if I bend forward in the slightest it creates tremendous pressure and pain in my head and face so I'm avoiding all forward bending poses. Including Prasarita Padottanasana!  In fact there isn't much that feels good besides sitting.  Even breathing through my nose is a challenge too.  I'll be taking it really lightly in the Yoga practice this week.  I'm taking care of myself so I'll be back to Prasarita Padottanasana in no time! 

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