Monday, October 27, 2008

Love/Hate relationship

Ardha Chandrasana (half-moon pose) is a pose I used to hate. Actually, I secretly liked it or at least the idea of it and hated that I couldn't do it. I'd start, standing or in Trikonasana (Triangle pose), nice and open feeling and then struggle in the process of getting into balance. Once in the pose I didn't feel open and strong, I felt unstable and saggy.
I think for many people the act of trying it can be a great first step. I've had many students say they were surprised to just get their back leg up in the air at all! Props such as a block under your hand or doing the pose against a wall can then really give you a feel for the strength, balance and openness you can experience in the pose.
Working on other balance poses like Vrksasana (Tree pose) or Virhabdrasana III (Warrior 3 pose) can help strengthen the standing leg and aid in practicing balance. Trikonasana (Triangle pose) gives the same feel of the upper body both in the position of the arms and in the openness of the heart center/chest.
If you also have a love/hate relationship with this pose, take heart (no pun intended)! I now feel that strength and openness when I practice it! If this is a pose you've worked on, I'd be interested to hear what you've done in growing to love it (or hate it) too.

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