Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Before we move on to our next pose, tell me, how did you do with the challenge? Did you do Savasana every day? Did you at least do it more often or longer? What happened?


@MuseLaura said...

I did it! I did Savasana every day. Now, interesting side note. I did it before bed every night and fell asleep in it every time except twice. (Yep, I mean I literally fell asleep 28 times!) Now I find when I do Savasana at other times, I am more prone to sleeping...think I may have begun something that needs to change...

On another note, I have been sleeping so much better!

@MuseKaren said...

I DID NOT do it! Well, I did it 3 times and one was at the end of my yoga class.

Beth said...

I did it sporadically but thought about it alot! I have been focusing on more active legs in Tadasana and all poses. When doing Tadasana, it is easy for me to just think my legs are active because as an "earth" person, grounding is not really an issue for me. However, just grounding is not enough--if my legs are active with energy in all the way up, it brings the lift and extension I want and love in the pose.